

Major release. Bumps the supported version of Python to the range (3.8, 3.11). Python 3.12 may work but it is not officially supported because pyarrow does not support it yet.

Python versions older than 3.8 are not supported.


Minor release. Now accepts classes that are defined in a shell or a Jupyter-style environment. Also upgrades the testing infrastructure.


Minor relase. Removes verbose logs and ensures that OrderedDict objects are also considered in the signature.


This is a major release. It adds hashing of lists and dictionaries into the signatures. Concretely, this means that signatures that depend on lists and dictionaries depend on their contents. This solves a major pain point for depending on more complex structures, which is important for when configuring a program. This may introduce a recalculation if lists or dictionaries were dependent. The new behavior can be disabled with the options:

dds.set_option("accept_dict", False)
dds.set_option("accept_list", False)
  • GH-140 Adds an enables by default lists and dictionaries


This release adds configuration options and addresses performance issues introduced by v0.10. In addition, some groundwork started to introduce more limits around the hashing of objects, such as big lists, into the signature. This part is not enabled yet.

  • GH-136 Performance issues on deeply nested code. This was a regression from v0.10 caused by a sub-optimal algorithm.

  • GH-137 Introduction of the configuration framework. This allows the behaviour of some specific aspects to be finetuned. The feature is currently left undocumented until more options are added.


This release adds two bugfixes.

  • GH-130 Failing for overlapping paths. For example, dds used to accept an evaluation with both /f and /f/g paths defined. Such a structure is ill-defined for most filesystems. It is now an error.

  • GH-133 Higher-order function calls are not properly captured. For example, the python code map(some_function, range(2)) used to miss some_function as a dependency. Such a function is now accounted for. This will retrigger signature calculations in this corner case.


Adding two useful stores for checking the correctness of the code without relying on DDS. See the documentation of dds.set_store.


A number of small improvements in ergonomics to this release:

  • the error messages are more complete and include more contextual information
  • more types are supported by default during the analysis phase: lists, dictionaries, dates (datetime objects), arbitrary named tuples and arbitrary data classes.
  • the input for @data_function has been tightened to reflect the fact that data functions should not take arguments (dds.keep should be used instead). Passing arguments now triggers an error.


Fixes the usage of positional and keyworded arguments when used in conjunction with dds.keep.


Small usability fixes in this release:

  • delaying the creation of a default store (and all its side effects) to better support highly concurrent environments
  • fix to the type signature of dds.keep and dds.eval
  • improves debugging messages (with a potential extra round trip to the store)


Adds a major feature: caching in memory of most recently used objects. See the documentation of dds.set_store.

Other features:

  • keyworded arguments are now accepted in dds.keep and dds.eval


This is a major release that changes the algorithm of calculating the signatures. Upgrading from a previous version will trigger the cache to be calculated again.

This change is not expected to happen again except for localized bug fixes.