I am currently a software engineer at Databricks.
Prior to that, I did a Ph. D. in Machine Learning, in the
Department of Computer Science at the
University of California at Berkeley. My advisors are Pieter Abbeel and Alexandre Bayen.
In the course of my work, I have created or co-created a few projects around data science and Machine Learning.
Koalas: provides pandas-like APIs on top of Apache Spark.
Graphframes: a distributed graph processing interface built on top of Apache Spark
spark-sklearn: a collection of wrappers around scikit-learn
TensorFrames: a low-level integration between Google Tensorfow and Spark
Deep Learning Pipelines: a Spark MLlib-like interface that provides Deep Learning capabilities to Apache Spark.
I currently reside in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. You can reach me through one of the following methods:
E Mail:
Social networks:
I am also on LinkedIn and Viadeo.
Here are a few talks I have given recently.
Geospatial analytics
Geospatial Analytics at Scale with Deep Learning and Apache SparkRaela Wang Databricks,Tim Hunter Da 2019
Geospatial Analytics at Scale with Deep Learning and Apache Spark-Tim Hunter & Raela Wang-Databricks
Deep Learning
TensorFrames: Deep Learning with TensorFlow on Apache Spark (Tim Hunter) Spark Summit 2016
Tuning and Monitoring Deep Learning on Apache Spark: Spark Summit East talk by Tim Hunter 2017
Expanding Apache Spark Use Cases in 2.2 and Beyond - Matei Zaharia, Tim Hunter & Michael Armbrust 2017
Deep Learning on ApacheĀ® Sparkā¢- Best Practices (Data Science Central webinar): https://vimeo.com/235852704
DSC Webinar Series: From Pandas to Apache Spark (Data Science Central webinar): https://vimeo.com/345979096
An older presentation with my colleague Alex Purkiss at the UK Authority about the value of the cloud for doing geospatial estimation.